Everybody who wants to save this country, anyone who is interested in living in a democracy, anyone who cares about America and how it is viewed by the world, has to support Biden at this time. It doesn’t really matter that Biden is not a good speaker, which he has never been. He is not …
Author Archives: quickrita2000
The Powers that be, are the Powers that are
The day that Trump became President of the United States of America was day that he destroyed the Supreme Court as we have known it. He had the benefit of already having Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, two totally unqualified people to inhabit the Supreme Court, let alone to have lifetime job security. He was …
Continue reading “The Powers that be, are the Powers that are”
A Perfect Democracy
In 1920, H.L. Mencken wrote “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and …
Are Women Not Human?
In 1973, Sarah Weddington, a 26 year old lawyer, pled and won the case of Roe V. Wade. Two years ago today, Roe V. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court and has since deprived women of their fundamental rights. It should be her right to decide whether she is healthy enough to carry. Her …
Clamshell Generation
The computer and the telephone have alienated an entire generation. It is impossible to look at America today without wondering what has caused this tremendous division in the country. And what is the division? It seems as though a generation of people have grown up without having any real connection to the society in which …
Your Vote Matters More Than Ever Before
The following was posted back in 2022. Nothing has changed, except that there are probably even more reasons not to vote for Trump today. Please send this list out to all of your friends and family and distant relatives and acquaintances and whoever you can get it to. Since then, he’s been indicted 34 times …
Biden Better Than Perceived
Biden has been going through some horrible personal tragedies with his son, Hunter. Hopefully the courts will cut Hunter some slack in support of his effort to successfully give up drugs. He is an unfortunate drag for Biden. It’s not just that Biden is 81 years old, it’s that he has these personal family tragedies …
Noise Pollution
There are many things affecting the quality of life in Manhattan. Aside from the lack of affordable housing, aside from the fact that the cost of living is so high that almost no one who works in the city can afford to live here, aside from the fact that there is still unnecessary piles of …
America Beware
While on the subject of Trump, let it be known, that no bank in the world would lend him money expect the Deutche Bank. This bank, was completely funded by Putin. So here you have Donald Trump totally beholden to Putin for the rest of his life. Putin’s one and single aim in life ultimately …
Cry the beloved country
How is it possible to even think of this man, Donald Trump, to represent the United States of America to the world. A man who’s been indicted 3 times amounting to 88 felony charges, a man who is responsible for an attempted coup against the U.S. Government, a man who has told everyone in the world that if he …