Tick Tock the clock is ticking

Of course “Black lives matter”. The peaceful demonstrations matter. they speak out to all of us. Alas, however, the movement took a side turn when demonstrators started defacing buildings and tearing down statues all across the country.  Some of the great generals represented by the statues were indeed slave owners. In those days anyone who …

Please Remember This Germany 1933 Massive Unemployment

Several years back, I said that I lived through and still remember the 1930s with the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany, which ultimately propelled us into WWII. I said then, and I say it now; Trump is a clone of Hitler.  To my amazement, a friend of mine recently sent me this article listing …

The Clock is Ticking on America

For the first time in my life I wake up every morning feeling a sense of shame at being an American.  What has happened to this country? What has happened to American values, to American compassion and generosity? How can we live without compassion for people living in the most dire conditions, deprived of safety, …